Yes, I've got me some of that. I really really really wanted to finish my Tempting this week (or even Monday, but that was really reaching far). Because I have this voice in my head that tells me I should just complete the sweater, that I must complete the sweater before I do anything else, that if I do not, my moral character will be called into question and I'll never finish anything for the rest of my life. (Mom, is that you in my head?)
Of course, I am choosing not to listen to that voice (it's hard, because it keeps yelling) and last night I cast on for what I thought was going to be a Jaywalker sock, but turned out to be a Twisted sock (free pattern from KnitPicks) in now-discontinued Sock Garden (Star Gazer Lily colorway).

I've also gotten my knitty little hands on the Sizzle pattern, and wanted to start on that right away. Of course I don't have the yarn for it in my stash or in my budget (yes, $15.00 for 127 yards when I need 750 yards = $90.00? We'll file that away for when-I-win-the-Lottery knitting), so I started swatching with KnitPicks Shine, which was going to be for my Picovoli (which never really happened... ah, the start-itis).

And all this start-itis leads to guilt about my bridesmaids' gifts. I promised all of them I would knit them something as a thank-you for putting up with my wedding. At the time it was very lovely in my head -- a lace scarf for Laura! A cabled scarf and hat for Maribeth! I'll design a shawl for Margaret to keep her warm in the menacing AC of Florida! A teacher bag for Christine! There may have been sparkles floating around the room when I decided all this. I've promised my girls these gifts, and I'm casting on for things for me? Foolish Kathy. I'll keep going on the socks, but I'll put Sizzle away for another time. Maybe after I finish two gifts I'll start something for myself. (Shut up, I am not martyring.)
Dermatitis n. Med. Inflammation of the derma, or true skin. Contact dermatitis n. Med. Doctor-speak for "Huh. Well. Heck if I know, really. But it's not contagious!"

Of course, being a Midwesterner, I didn't say that. But I was closer to saying it than I ever have been before. That encounter (if you could call it that) set up my mood for the rest of the visit, which included waiting some more in the exam room, while Little Johnny two rooms down constantly wondered aloud about where the doctor was, diagnosed himself aloud ("I think it's probably due to my asthma."), expressed his boredom aloud, and opened the curtain between his room and the next and enumerated (aloud) the equipment therein. Incorrectly, I might add. Little Johnny's Mother was the pleading/bargaining type ("please don't open the curtain again" "How about a fruit snack [i.e. more sugar]?"), and the whole thing was repeated (ALOUD) throughout my visit with the doctor. I had to ask him to speak up twice (admittedly, my hearing is not the greatest, but still) and I felt like saying, in a deep authoritative voice, "Little Johnny, it's time to be quiet now, or else I will smite you down as I would smite an irritating mosquito dancing in my ear!"
But of course, being a Midwesterner, I didn't say it.
I can't wait to see how the socks turn out. I love that teeny tiny cable.
I went to the orthodontist recently and my visit was much like that.
Being a Midwest ex-pat, I didn't say anything either.
love those twisted socks.. might have to start some after my socks are finally finished. And umm.. no comments on start-itis. I suffer myself LOL
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