Sunday, April 02, 2006

Stupid &*$#ing Daylight Savings Time!

I woke up when the bedroom clock said 10:19am. I walked out to the living room (where my phone lives) and my phone clock said 12:19am. Two hours? How did I lose two hours?

I thought I was going nuts. After fiddling with it, my phone then read 11:20am. I thought this was some elaborate April Fools Joke played by my Beloved or by my sneaky-pants neighbors. It didn't even occur to me that it was freaking Daylight Savings Time until I was almost late for work.

Stupid government time thing. Made me think I was losing my shit.


Anna said...

I totally agree. Why can't they leave the darned time alone already?

Anonymous said...

Just blame it on the trains. It's all their fault.