Tuesday, April 25, 2006

More Orange!

I've been kind of secretly working on my Tempting sweater (kind of secretly in that I've sort of been telling you about it, but haven't been showing pictures as often as I should. Because there is a blogging rulebook and I shun it. Or whatever.), and I finally have decent pictures to show off.

I got the sleeves done this weekend, which surprised me. Everything's faster with picking!

Then last night I attatched the tops of both sleeves to the body of the sweater while I was at the Stitch-n-Bitch at Borders (Heather and I didn't last long, as I had residual migraine-ness and she was cranky and trying to hold it in). I thought I would come home and switch to the 29" size 8 circular, but when I got home I got a call from the Beloved saying he was at the Annex (our favorite bar for many reasons, not the least of which is the fact that it is one block from our apartment) with some old friends and so I went out and drank instead. I know. What kind of knitter am I?

Here is the sweater with both sleeves firmly attatched (I hope!). I'm going to switch to the longer needle today/tonight and work the remaining 5 or 6 inches and then be done. And then cast on for Picovoli, with any luck.

And because the weather here has turned her nasty face on us, I give you happy spring-like pictures. (Seriously, we're getting the ugly precipitation trifecta -- rain, snowflakes & tiny, tiny hail. It was 72 degrees yesterday. Sigh.)


LinknKnits said...

You are doing a great job on Tempting. I am so envious. I keep meaning to actually start and finish a bigger poject like this... sigh.

Papermasks said...

Oooh! Pretty, pretty sweater! Pretty, pretty flowers!

I wish I had something pretty, pretty to show, but all I can give you is a description of how my cats are shedding:

We could stuff a couch with the extra fur laying around here. I haven't figured out yet why they aren't bald, but I do know that if I have to pick up one more clump o' Tabster, I'm going to seriously consider how they'd react to being shaved with Todd's razor.

See? Not very exciting. However, your sweater is gorgeous. Color me jealous! :-)